First---- I failed to mention a minor mishap that involved a bird, 4 kiddos, & 2 crying adults.... HA
As I mentioned yesterday, Sunday we had a small get together... So later that afternoon while we were cooking dinner, Lindsee came busting into the house almost in tears. Zoie, Lindsee and Westley's Schnauzer, had killed a mama bird. :( The baby bird which was about to take flight in a matter of days was in the back yard hopping around trying to find his dead birdie mama. I went outside to see what we could do about the bird and the kiddos were all standing around staring and talking their best form of baby talk to the birdie. Conner bent down trying to get eye level with the little fella and said "hey baby bird...hey". Then he turns to Jackson and said "sit on it, Jackson". HAHA I guess Conner thought it was an EGG...???? Being the animal lover I am I was yelling at Joey to find something to put it in. Lindsee and I wanted to save the little guy. Joey brings me an old plastic bowl and we are trying to scoop it up when out of nowhere-----No, not really he was standing there the whole time----- Chipper, our Schnauzer, leaps through the air and ATTACKS the poor baby bird!!!!! So now I am practically in tears and I storm in the house (after of course beating spanking Chipper).
Now lets jump on to after we eat dinner and everyone is hanging out in the house when Angela says "OMG! WHAT IS THAT...AAAAHHH EEEWWW It's half of a bird" There in the middle of my living room floor is what appears to be the head/neck/beak of a bird that a dog clearly PUKED up. We had a small debate of who would pick the remains up and I nominated Westley because of course he is the paramedic. Westley scoops the guts up in a paper towel and starts examining it. He then proceeds to tell us that it is in fact potatoes and green beans, not the remains of a bird. I guess one of the doggies got into someone's scraps outside. OOPSIE!! HA