Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekend Fun

I can't believe it's already Sunday night! Time really does fly when you are having fun... Friday night was pretty low key. We ordered pizza and watched a movie. Around 8 we decided to go for some ice cream! We hit McDonald's drive-thru. While we were out Conner decided he wanted to see his Mama Jean & Papa Gene. I guess he didn't get enough of them even though he stayed with them all day :) So, we popped in on "the jean's" and visited with them a while.

Last weekend was so beautiful and Joey was a little bummed that he had to work. So we decided early in the week we were going to cook out Saturday night. The weather turned out to be YUCK but we decided to cook out anyway and we had a great time. Keith brought Rock Band and the kids took over...........

Angela made a butterfinger cake and it was YUMMY!

Conner & "JJ"

This afternoon Conner has played his little heart out. He did take a break and we watched Yogi Bear! It is a pretty good movie. Daddy came by to eat dinner and visit with us a little while. Now me and the kiddo are off to bed. Tomorrow morning starts another busy week!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Finally Friday...whoohoo!

I love Friday!! It's my most favorite day of the week... especially this week. The hubby is off for 2 Whole Nights!!  I'm not used to seeing Joey for more than a couple of nights at a time. Every other week we mostly just see each other in passing.... I'm going to work as he gets in from work and he's going to work when I get in from work. It's crazy and it's tough, but it's just way it goes and I'm so proud of him for doing the job he does! :)

Conner had a fun day at school yesterday and he didn't cry at extended day!! WHOOHOO! We have just recently started extended day, so it took a couple of weeks for him to get adjusted to staying at school past 3 with a different teacher. He's doing great though and this fall he will start 3 days a week!! I love M.C.A and all the teachers and staff. They have been such a blessing to me since we have had to enroll Conner.

Last night Conner came into the living room.... his eyes were squinted and he said "mommy, I can't see, I can't see". I looked up and he had something black all over his face. I got closer and noticed he had gotten into my mascara! He had even managed to get it on his eyelashes... and I must say it made his eyes stand out beautifully..HA! I tried to take some pictures, but this is the best I could come up with ........

 Doesn't he look stunning lOl!! :) I'm sure daddy will be pleased that Conner knows how to apply mascara!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Movin' Right Along

This morning was CRAZY as usual in the Martin House. I was in a major hurry on the way to take Conner to "school" and I'm pretty sure I hit every red light in my path. Which is usually the way it goes ! Let me back up to yesterday afternoon.

The beautiful weather we have had lately has spoiled a certain little boy! When we got home yesterday afternoon he was not a happy camper to stay inside. It wasn't really raining hard, but it was a good drizzle and cooler than it has been. After the temper tantrum of "I want to ride daddy work car" (aka-dodge charger police power wheels) and a firm talking to with the outcome of time-out, Conner finally settled on watching Diego and playing with his hot wheels. I called Joey around 7 ... night shift stinks... and talked him into meeting us for dinner. Joey's Captain joined us and Conner found an instant buddy. He had to sit by Chad while we were eating and talked the poor guy's ear off. They discussed the "choo choos" and riding Poppy's "horsey". Conner told him about Lilee and Jackson and how they were home in bed. ( I told Conner that to coax him in the house when we got home) When we left Conner yelled "bye Captain" and gave him a big hug. It was love at first sight! :)

When we got home I threw Conner's tennis shoes in the washer. For some reason they smelled like gasoline. I decided to wait and give Conner his bath this morning because we were both tired and ready for bed. That was my first mistake.... I was all geared up about my blog so after I laid Conner down I got in bed with my laptop... Mistake # 2! I finally crashed about 12:00 and that brings us back to this morning and the craziness!

I got up at 7:00 a.m. !!!! I about flipped.. it was already 7 and I still had to give Conner a bath! GREAT! I jumped in the shower, got Conner up and stuck him in the tub. Not a great way to start the day of a 2 year old... :( We did pretty good and we were actually going to make it on time until I remembered..... Conner's shoes!!!!!!! The shoes were still in the washer.. YAY ME! Now, the child has more than one pair of tennis shoes. I just have a hard time finding matching shoes. :) I do good to make it to work each morning fully dressed lOl! Don't worry, I found a matching pair in my car... Conner didn't go to school barefoot :)

Conner and Poppy riding Renegade

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Back Trackin'

This past Christmas my parent's gave us a SWEET Christmas gift... a 5 night cruise to Mexico!! So a few weeks ago we loaded up with my mom, step-dad, step-brother and his wife, and headed to Mobile. I had never been on a cruise, so I was a little freaked... not to mention leaving Conner for 6 whole nights!!!!! I didn't sleep well for weeks and was pretty sure I was going to have to load up on nerve pills, but I toughed it out and once we took off... or set sail..I was good to go! That Thursday night I was pretty positive that the boat was going to flip over... I kept seeing Poseidon over and over in my head! But we had a great time, got TOO much sun, and didn't get sea sick one time :) We made it home safely and I am pretty sure we might actually go on another cruise sometime in the future.....maybe.......
Calica, Mexico

 I did actually take more than 2 pictures. The fact I have the SLOWEST internet on the planet and considering it is WAY past my bedtime, I am too frustrated to try to upload more :) Oh and BTW... Conner did fantastic while we were gone. My bestest friend Jennifer kept him a couple of nights at the house and Joey's parents had him during the day, so he was good to go. He loves him some Mama Jean and Papa Gene!!  Then my Aunt Penny and my Nana kept him the last part of the week. He didn't cry and was a very good boy. I was so proud of him. I did miss him tons though...and it will be a very long time before we go away without him again!!

I Finally Did It!

So... I finally broke down and created a blog. I have been reading random blogs for a while now and kept thinking "I should do this". It's a great way to keep up with what goes on day to day... and with a toddler running wild each day, I almost always have something funny to talk about. I have a hard time remembering what happened yesterday much less a month ago, so I thought this would be a good way to remember the good, the bad, and the ugly! :) I'm no writer by any means.. so I will go ahead and give a heads up for bad spelling and grammar. So, welcome to our life..................